Real-time monitoring dashboards and alerts Collect metrics from any source: web experience, infrastructure, application and business metrics Apply computations, time slice, combine and correlate metrics from different sources in real-time Visualize in interactive dashboards, annotate, analyze and share custom dashboards
Application performance monitoring Build faster, more reliable applications by monitoring performance of your distributed apps with code-level insights Combine full-stack application tracing and brilliant data visualization to make debugging a snap, saving hours in tracking down errors Support for Java, .NET, Node.js, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scala, and Go
Web performance management Test your websites or web apps every minute from locations all over the world utilizing uptime monitoring Gain insights into actual visitors’ experience by country, browser or device with real user monitoring Track your website’s load time and find bottlenecks that affect your customers' end-user experience with page speed monitoring
Cloud-hosted log management Get instant log visibility across your systems - simple to set up and easy-to-use Troubleshoot with full text search; tail, interpret and act on real-time log streams Analyze, create data streams, manage events, and get alerts from saved searches
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